I have been wearing the same necklace since the IVF round started, I have tried to take it off twice now in the last 3 weeks. Its still on, however, I think I can do it this weekend. Its so silly but when I go to take it off my heart starts to pound as if I’m doing something “wrong” so I leave it. I think its gonna have to be like a band-aid and just take it off and be done with it. We shall see what happens this weekend.... stay tuned!
Today I had 2 appts, one with the OB and one with the Peri. Had a cervical check, all is well with cervix as well as babies. Got a great pic of lil Maddux but Alyssa still being camera shy. We could have gotten a great shot of her booty in 3D tho!
I am 28 weeks now and measuring at 31, normal. Swelling and pain, normal. Not sleeping, normal. Being exhausted and having a hard time breathing, normal. Puking in my mouth, normal. Time for my Rhogam shot, normal.... or so I thought. Nope, apparently I have built up antibodies to the injection. Great. So they didn’t know whether or not to give it to me (my reg doc wasnt there). Apparently if they gave it to me they run a very high risk of the babies developing severe anemia, if they don’t give it and they end up with Matt’s blood type (A+, damn perfectionist) then there could be issues as well. Then if I don’t take it and end up getting pregnant again (which I am not wanting or planning but you never know) then the baby wouldn’t be able to survive since my body wouldn’t know what to do with it I guess. I’m not really clear on all this but now they have to run my blood again to check my titers(?) to make sure they are not too high and if they decide to give me the injection then they will have to run that blood test to make sure it doesn’t spike cuz then its dangerous to the babies.
It’s all very strange, but typical of this ride I suppose. My body likes to fight stuff off, till the bitter end. If its something that is helpful, it will try to F it up anyway. Apparently my body is really good at fighting and building antibodies and such. Fabulous. Couldn’t just get the shot and be done with it. Nope, not gonna happen. So now I have to go BACK to the hospital and get the shot. I’m trying not to take more time off of work since next Friday is my last day but just seems like there is always something else I have to do. Roger has got to think I am lying most times. I also have to make an appt for another IVIg treatment this week, not so sure that’s gonna happen. Each treatment takes at least 1.5 hours and they don’t start them until 8am - I start work at 8:30am.
Babies are running out of room in there, they were all squished up in there today. I have another scan 2 weeks from today along with an appt in IL at the specialist that week, then 2 weeks from then I will be seeing the OB weekly AND the peri 2x a week. Good thing they are in the same hospital! I have a non-stress test and some bio-something or other where they check their breathing and something else. How neat, I will be able to watch them breath! The things that they can and will do now, just amazing!