Yes, all my pictures are taken in the bathroom at work. Not pretty but it is what it is.
I am gonna write about it on here so family and friends don’t need to hear me talk about it over and over - feeling the babies move is so amazing. Even more amazing than I remember. It's crazy that I may have taken this for granted when I was pregnant with the Harmony and Brayden. What was my problem, how could I not see how amazing this was? I loved feeling them move, I really did, but not like this, not even close. I get butterflies each time I feel a kick, punch, flip or whatever is going on in there. I smile every time it happens. As much as I cant wait to have them in my arms, I really think I may miss having them with me at all times.
Ok, so here comes the weird, pregnancy crazy lady - cheesy talk. I feel like I am special or something cuz I am the only one who gets to feel them move. Like we have a bond already, hard to explain really but I look at Matt and think how sad it is that he cant experience this. I'm sure he could care less since he has no idea what he is missing. Again, I dont remember feeling like this when I was younger. I loved having them with me but I sure don’t remember thinking how lucky I was to be the ONLY person in the world who had that with them. It's pretty damn cool.
They are the size of footballs now, maybe even as big as an overinflated football (pretty much what I feel like most days, lol). I have an appt to see them at the specialist this week and looking forward to it. Its really neat to see them move on the screen after I feel them move.
As much as I hurt or end up peeing myself when I sneeze just feeling them move makes it all alright.